Benefits of Infedo Network Solutions

You need your team working All of the time

Do you know what user downtime is costing your business? Even 10 minutes lost productivity per user per day can quickly add up to thousands of dollars a year. Don’t put up with slow or unstable computers and, more importantly, don’t allow your team to get frustrated with IT.
Fast Response
We resolve problems as they happen – no matter how small – even if that means an onsite visit.
Less Downtime
By monitoring your computers in real-time we can fix the small issues before they become big issues.
Robust Security
We make sure your desktops are fully protected and ensure they are always kept up-to-date.
Fixed Cost
Your costs will be upfront and transparent. You’ll get truly unlimited support with NO hidden extras.
Full Maintenance
We run maintenance tasks out of business hours to ensure that your PC’s are always in tip top condition.
Customer Support
If you ever need help, we will be there for you. Want us onsite? We guarantee to be there within 2 hours.

Worried your desktops might be at risk?

Sign-up for our free, no obligation security assessment!

Are you a Prince George business looking for a technology partner? We cater to small and medium-sized businesses. In other words, by hiring us to do what we’re best at, it frees up your time to focus on your business. With a choice of plans and options you can pick a package that works for you. With remote desktop tools, we take preventative measures to ensure your computers and systems function properly. It’s proactive IT servicing and it works. By continually monitoring your systems we can make adjustments and improvements without interfering in your workday. We are available 24/7 and it is our responsibility to ensure you experience as little downtime as possible.

Sign-up for our free, no obligation security assessment!

At no cost, one of our highly qualified IT support engineers will connect remotely to your desktops to:
The whole process takes roughly an hour to complete. When we have finished, we will explain what has been discovered – in plain English – so that you can easily judge the health of your desktops.

Detailed, Thorough, and Custom Managed IT Services